Dino Crisis Wiki

Living Quarters 1 cutscene[note 1] is a cutscene in Dino Crisis 2.


Falk; Morton and Regina stand in front of Falk's now derrelict helicopter. He reveals to them the people in Edward City were all that was left, which means there are no survivors.


David Falk: These people were the only ones left. There aren't any survivors now.

Dylan Morton: So we failed. How could we let everyone die?

Regina: Look, we still have the mission to retrieve the data on 3rd Energy research.

David: Dude, even if we get the data, how do we get back to our time? The activator for the gate has been destroyed, right?

Regina: That's why we need that data. If we study it, we might be able to build another gate to go back.

Dylan: Fine, let's split up and search the town for the data.

Regina: David?
Let's go.

Dylan: Mmmkay.

David Falk: 「ここの連中が最後の生存者だ」

Dylan Morton: 「任務は失敗か………」

Regina: 「サードエナジー実験データの回収が残っているわ」

David: 「とぼけたことを言うなよ    そんなことして何になる?」

Regina: 「だからデータがいるのよ」
「データを調べれば    帰るための手がかりが見つかるかも……」

Dylan: 「とにかく    手分けして調べようぜ」

Regina: 「デビッド」

Dylan: 「……やれやれ……」


  1. All cutscene names for this game on the Wiki are tentative only.
